Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee

Agenda Item 49 (d)   


Subject:                    Civic events


Date of meeting:    12 January 2023


Proposer:                 Councillor Simson

Seconder:                Councillor Bagaeen


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Conservative Group



This committee:


1)    Notes that the Coronation of King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with a bank holiday on the following Monday 8th May 2023;


2)    Recognises the many previous visits by His Majesty The King to Brighton & Hove;


3)    Calls for a programme of inclusive civic events to be organised by the Council to mark this historic occasion and to foster civic pride; and


4)    Requests that a report be brought to the next meeting of this Committee outlining the necessary steps towards undertaking such a programme of civic events.


Supporting Information: